الدعم التنظيمي المدرك و علاقته بسلوك المواطنة التنظيمية لدى أساتذة التعليم الثانوي
The study aimed to identify the level of organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior among secondary education teachers, reveal the relationship between organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior among secondary education teachers, and identify differences according to gender and seniority. To achieve the goal of this study, two scales were applied: the Organizational Support Scale and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale, and after confirming their psychometric properties (validity and reliability), they were applied to a sample of 100 professors at Al-Qarara Secondary Schools in the state of Ghardaia, using the descriptive approach and statistical analysis methods using the statistical software package for the social sciences. (SPSS 22.0) The following results were reached:
The level of organizational support among secondary education teachers is high.
The level of organizational citizenship behavior among secondary education teachers is high.
- There is a correlation between organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior among secondary education teachers
- There are no differences in the level of organizational support among secondary education teachers according to gender.
- There are no differences in the level of organizational citizenship behavior among secondary education teachers according to gender.
- There are no differences in the level of organizational support among secondary education teachers according to seniority.
- There are no differences in the level of organizational citizenship behavior among secondary education teachers according to seniority.