This study was conducted to investigate the taxonomic relationships between fourteen species of actinobacteria belonging to the genus Saccharomonospora. This study used two different approaches: a chemotaxonomic approach based on Dice and Ochiai coefficients, and a molecular approach based on the analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA. The species studied included S. amisosensis, S. azurea, S. colocasiae, S. cyanea, S. glauca, S. halophila, S. iraqiensis subsp. iraqiensis, S. iraqiensis subsp. paurometabolica, S. marina, S. oceani, S. piscinae, S. saliphila, S. viridis, S. xiaoerkulensis, and S. xinjiangensis.
The objective of this study is to compare species of the genus Saccharomonospora using chemotaxonomy and molecular biology methods in order to determine those closest and furthest to the Saccharomonospora piscinae (selected as reference species) based on their degree of similarity.
The analysis was performed using two statistical indices, Dice and Ochiai, with data for the chemical analysis of the species cellular composition obtained through a chemical analysis used for the chemotaxonomic study. As for the molecular study, it relies on bioinformatics algorithms that allow for the alignment of nucleotide sequences to identify similarities between species. Furthermore, the results of the study, using the Dice and Ochiai coefficients, revealed that S. ociani was the closest species to S. piscinae, followed by S. xiaoerkulensis, S. halophila, S. marina...etc. Additionally, the use of 16S rRNA sequences revealed that S. azurea and S. xinjiangensis were the two closest species to S. piscinae. The study has identified the furthest species, namely S. amisosensis and S. cyanea (for the chemotaxonomic study), and S. halophila and S. viridis (for the molecular study). Thus, these two analyses produced non-identical results