المستودع الرقمي في جامعة غرداية

استعرض Mémoires de Master حسب الموضوع "Algeria tourism industry, Arabic chatbot, Ghardaia, Rasa platform, GPT-3 model, data collection, natural language understanding, dialogue management, Telegram."

استعرض Mémoires de Master حسب الموضوع "Algeria tourism industry, Arabic chatbot, Ghardaia, Rasa platform, GPT-3 model, data collection, natural language understanding, dialogue management, Telegram."

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • REZGUI, Smahi; MOULAY ABDALLAH, Mustapha (université Ghardaia, 2023)
    The tourism industry in Algeria is facing numerous challenges that restrict its growth and progress. One major challenge is the lack of accessible information about tourism services in our country. To address this issue, ...

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