المستودع الرقمي في جامعة غرداية

استعرض Mémoires de Master حسب الموضوع "- In the interval [0 ppm; 40 ppm] the mixture acts as a catalyst since it increases the rate of corrosion; in contrast in the interval [50 ppm; 100 ppm] the rate of corrosion decreases that shows that the mixture plays the role of an inhibitor. - The inhibitory efficiency of this mixture is insufficient because the maximum yield is (36%)."

استعرض Mémoires de Master حسب الموضوع "- In the interval [0 ppm; 40 ppm] the mixture acts as a catalyst since it increases the rate of corrosion; in contrast in the interval [50 ppm; 100 ppm] the rate of corrosion decreases that shows that the mixture plays the role of an inhibitor. - The inhibitory efficiency of this mixture is insufficient because the maximum yield is (36%)."

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

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