Guerrara is a region that has an important agricultural activity and considerable production
potential as the crop production level than that of animal production. However, few studies
are devoted to the characterization of the production system characteristic of this region. It is
in this context does this present study and whose object, the specification of the agricultural
production system taking into account a sample of 32 farms in the region og Guerrara. The
results obtained in this investigation reveal that farms in the region are relatively old farms,
with medium productivity and farmers in most older cases. Culture practiced tends to
phoenicultural and orchards, but still extensive, although the wide range of inputs used is in
the form of manure and mineral fertilizers. Production systems take into account the crop
rotation and crop rotation, depending on the agricultural calendar. However, it is much more
based on two types of crops, namely, legumes (beans) and vegetable crops with common
practice of unworked fallow. Nevertheless, the constraints affecting the productivity of these
operations, are generally due in 49% to climatic factors, 28% to socioeconomic factors and
23% to soil factors