The present study concerns the inventory and the analysis of the vegetable biodiversity in the
region of hassi and fhal, this study was realized in two different stations.
We listed 29 species, 19 species in first station and 20 species in the second station, belonging
to 12 families, 6 families are represent that by a single specie. Among the best represented families
meets Asteraceae with 10 species.
According to the biological types, the inventoried species) are group 9 (long-lasting)
perennials, and 17 (short-lived) annual plants. We also note 2 monocotylédones families and 10
dicotyledonous families
The frequency is varied between 1,63 % and 29,50 % in the most mattering is Ifloga spicata
followed by Helianthemum lippii (16,66 %) and Oudneya africana (13,11 %).
For the density of the flora is different according to the species) and between the same species
and the stations of studies.