In Algeria, the wetlands are home to significant number of aquatic birds such as phoenicopteridae,
ardiédées, ralidae, anatidae, scolopacidae ... etc. Sebkhet El-Maleh, south Algeria, is one of the places
where these families live. Our study of this wetland to follow the evolution of the numbers and the
diurnal behavior of two species. The first of the family Phoenicopteridae, the Flamingo
(Phoenicopterus roseus), and the second of the family Anatidae, the The Ruddy shelduck (Tadorna
ferruginea). This study showed that the Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus and the Ruddy shelduck
Tadorna ferruginea have local Saharan population. The balance diurnal activity rhythm’s analysis of
these two species has shown that: feeding is the principal activity compared with to the other activities
(47,5 and 34,5) such (21 and 23) as sleep (18 and 15), walking, plumage maintenance, antagonism,
parry and displacements. This dominant behavior indicates, on the one hand, the availability and
abundance of trophic recipes on this wetland, on the other hand, reflects their preparation for breeding
Therefore, the wetland of Sebkhet El-Maleh is played a very important role for the ecology (structure,
phenology and reproduction) of these two species