The present work focuses on the study of the trophic menu of the brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis, Lesson, 1831)
through the analysis of rejection balls in two Zelfana stations; metliliin Ghardaïa. From the analyzes of 82 rejection balls, we
have identified five trophic categories (with 283 individuals). Insects are the most devoured by this predator along with
Coleoptera sp. Indét (16.4%), they are followed by and Reptelia sp. indet (7.6%). In terms of biomass, insects dominate in
Ouad metlili Coleoptera sp. Indét (B = 21.5%), Scarabidae, à Zelfana (it is Passer sp. (B = 86.1%) and Reptelia sp. Indét (B
= 2.2%) which constitute the most profitable prey in biomass. that in overall terms, the most striking preys are Passer sp. (B
= 79.7%); Mus sp. (B = 3.6%) and Coleoptera sp. indet (B = 2.4%) The Corvus corax is considered as a generalist predator
(E = 0.9) in Ghardaïa, characterized by a diverse diet.