المستودع الرقمي في جامعة غرداية

علاقة القيادة الإدارية بالإحتراق الوظيفي لدى العاملين في مؤسسات القطاع العام - دراسة ميدانية-

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author كيرد, عمار
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-24T08:40:21Z
dc.date.available 2021-11-24T08:40:21Z
dc.date.issued 2021-10-21
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.univ-ghardaia.edu.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/463
dc.description.abstract This study aimed to determine the relation of the leadership with its three dimensions (supervision style, group of work and motivation) with job Burnout phenomenon with its three dimensions (exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and depersonalization) among workers in public sector institutions in Laghouat. The study aimed also to determine the effect of the personal variables (sex, age, level of education, and years of experience), on the responses of the employees regarding the leadership and its influence on job Burnout. A descriptive approach was used, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire as the basic research tool. The questionnaire was distributed to the study random sample that reached (400) questionnaire, (370) Questionnaires were returned, (23) of them was non-valid; only (347) questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis. The data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study reached the following conclusions: ▪ The study proves the truth of the general hypothesis, and concluded the existence of a moderate positive statistical relationship between leadership axe with its three dimensions (supervision style, group of work and motivation) and the level of job Burnout among workers in public sector institutions. ▪ The study concluded that there is an average level of practicing leadership styles (Autocratic & Democratic) in public sector institutions in Laghouat. ▪ The study concluded that there is an average level of job Burnout among workers in public sector institutions in Laghouat. ▪ The study concluded the existence of a weak positive statistical relationship between the Autocratic leadership pattern and the increase level of job Burnout. ▪ The study concluded the existence of a weak negative statistical relationship between to the democratic leadership pattern and the increase level of job Burnout. ▪ The study concluded the existence of a moderate positive statistical relationship between group of work and the level of job Burnout. ▪ The study concluded the existence of a weak positive statistical relationship between motivation and the level of job Burnout. ▪ It appears that there were no statistically significant differences in trends sample about their response to the study axes (leadership and job Burnout) depending on the following variables (age, sex, level of education, and the years of experience) EN_en
dc.publisher جامعة غرداية EN_en
dc.subject القيادة EN_en
dc.subject القيادة EN_en
dc.subject القيادة EN_en
dc.subject القيادة EN_en
dc.subject القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject نظريات القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject نظريات القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject نظريات القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject نظريات القيادة الإدارية EN_en
dc.subject الإحتراق الوظيفي EN_en
dc.subject الإحتراق الوظيفي EN_en
dc.subject الإحتراق الوظيفي EN_en
dc.subject الإحتراق الوظيفي EN_en
dc.subject مؤسسات القطاع العام بولاية الأغواط EN_en
dc.subject مؤسسات القطاع العام بولاية الأغواط EN_en
dc.subject مؤسسات القطاع العام بولاية الأغواط EN_en
dc.subject مؤسسات القطاع العام بولاية الأغواط EN_en
dc.title علاقة القيادة الإدارية بالإحتراق الوظيفي لدى العاملين في مؤسسات القطاع العام - دراسة ميدانية- EN_en
dc.type Thesis EN_en

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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