Banks faces several risks as a result of the expansion of its activities, which
are closely linked to risk, And this Requires Plans And procedures
which Settings and optimal management of these risks, for the purpose of
avoiding the losses that threaten the bank or minimize them as much as
possible, operational risks became one of the most important risk facing
the banks, especially with the continuous technological development and
openness in banking practices.
Where is the growing crisis that hit banks and led to the collapse of a large
number of banking institutions with a good reputation, As a result of poor
management of operational risks as well as among other causes,
And the Basel Agreement, "2" brought new frameworks In the field
Banking risk management , And the most important addition was founded
to meet the capital requirements of operational risk,
And the Basel Committee highlighted the interest in this aspect by issuing
the principles of good practice in the management and control of
operational risk in 2003.
Commercial banks in Algeria considered as One of the banks that should
abide by the decisions of the Basel "2" To become Eligible To compete
with international banks,
However, our banks are not considered eligible banks or owns Readiness,
which makes it well suited for the application of new decisions brought by
the Basel"2",Since these principles become one of the international
standards for the efficiency of banks and all banks must work out ,Algerian
banks should work on finding solutions to the problems that make them
bear the losses due to operational risk, By creating a work environment in
line with good practices internationally recognized risk management in
general and operational risks in particular.
Through this study, we aim to identify operational risks in particular,
access to the previous studies on the operational risks and other references
that tell us in this study, As we talked to a field study through a
questionnaire was distributed to members of the sample, which included
staff in banks under study, And analyze the results to identify the extent to
recognize and apply the principles of good governance and effective
operational risk in these banks.
And the results of the study showed that the Algerian banks do not
implement the commitments outlined in the Basel Convention "2" on the
management of operational risks,
And they do not have to Readiness of what makes them committed to
applying the new Basel Committee regarding operational risks