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Title: Semi-Supervised Automatic Modulation Classification
Authors: Hadj Daoud, Daoud
Elouneg, Mohammed
Keywords: Réseaux neuronaux convolutifs (CNN), données non étiquetées, ap- prentissage profond (DL), apprentissage semi-supervisé, classification de la modu- lation, classification des signaux radio.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), unlabeled data, Deep Learning (DL), Semi-supervised learning, Modulation Classification, Radio Signal classifica- tion.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: université Ghardaia
Abstract: Deep learning has been incredibly successful in many areas, including computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing, because it is such a powerful tool, and the power of deep learning lies in its ability to learn from vast amounts of data. However, much of this success has been attributed to supervised learning models, which means that deep learning models rely heavily on labeled data. The process of labeling data manually is often time-consuming and requires domain expertise, making it a significant challenge in the deployment of deep learn- ing solutions. Many solutions have been developed to address the challenge of large amount of unlabeled data, such as self-supervised learning and semi-supervised learning and others. In this work, we aim to explore and implement the concept of semi-supervised learning, a machine learning approach that uses both labeled and unlabeled data, to perform the task of radio signal classification. Classifying radio signals is crucial for various wireless communication applications, but it requires a large volume of labeled data. Semi-supervised learning offers a promising solution by enabling the creation of data-efficient classifiers that can learn from a smaller set of labeled data combined with a larger amount of unlabeled data.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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