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Title: Synthèse bibliographique des travaux réalisés sur les Orthoptères dans l'étage bioclimatique Aride et Semi-aride
Authors: BICHI, Hanane
Keywords: Orthoptères, inventaire, richesse spécifique, étage bioclimatique, Algérie.
Orthoptera, inventory, species richness, bioclimatic stage, Algeria
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Faculté Science de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre - Université de Ghardaïa
Abstract: The Algerian Orthopterological biodiversity is remarkable and varied quantitatively and qualitatively from one bioclimatic stage to another. We are particularly interested in grasshopper and locust fauna for 11 regions belonging a two bioclimatic stage: arid and semi arid. Lists are drawn up on the basis of data available in the literature and from a study of specimens collected by the authors. One hundred and fifty species of Orthoptera belonging to 26 genera, and 14 families were recorded in different habitats. Tlemcen is the richest with 67 species, followed by Setif and Constantine with 65 and 55 species, respectively. The family Acrididae was found to be the most dominant and was represented with 70 species, second dominant family was Pamphagidae with 32 species. Tettigoniidae stood at third rank with 23 species. Among these families, we found that Acrididae is the best represented one with nine subfamilies. Subfamily Oedipodinae is the largest, consisting of 35 species. Three Acrididae species (Anacridium aegyptium, Acrotylus patruelis and Aiolopus strepens) were collected in all the eleven sites.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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