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Title: تحقيق عنوان «كتاب الوضع» المنسوب لأبي زكريَّاء الجنَّاوني والعلاقةِ بينه وبين «ديوان الجنَّاوني»
Other Titles: Achieving the title of the «Book alwade» attributed to Abi Zakaria Al- Janaouni and the relationship between it and «Diwan Al-Janaouni
Authors: إبراهيم, بكلي
مصطفى, باجو
Keywords: الوضع
ديوان الجناوي
فقه إباضي
Diwan Al-Janaouni
Ibadi jurisprudence
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: جامعة غرداية
Abstract: This study aims at investigating the title of the book known as «Book alwade» attributed to AbiZakaria al-Janauni (Q05-06AH / 11-12 CE), and to clarify the relationship between the «Book alwade» and the «Diwan Al-Janaouni»; Are they one book? Or is the «Book alwade» part of Al-Janawni'sdiwan? Or is it complementary to it? Or is it different from it and there is no relationship between them? The study used the descriptive method, the inductive method, and the analytical method, referring to the texts of scholars and researchers, and the indexes of manuscripts. The most important result reached by the study is that the most appropriate title for the studied book is: «The Book of "allamaa" Known as the Book of "alwade"»; and that the «book of alwade» is different from «Diwan Al-Janaouni», and there is no relationship between them.
Appears in Collections:قسم العلوم الإسلامية

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