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Title: Design and development of an Arduino-based smart greenhouse
Authors: AGUIAR, Achraf Mounir
Keywords: Sustainable agriculture; semi-arid regions; smart greenhouse; Arduino; microclimate control; resource efficiency; crop productivity
الزراعةاملستدامة، املناطق شبهالقاحلة، الدفيئةالذكية، األردوينو، التحكم في البيئة الداخلية للدفيئة ، الري الذكي، استشعارالرطوبة، الزراعةالدقيقة.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: university ghardaia
Abstract: Agriculture in semi-arid regions presents significant challenges due to harsh climatic conditions and scarce water resources. Our project aims to develop a smart greenhouse system using Arduino technology to achieve sustainable agriculture in these regions. This involves using advanced technologies to control the greenhouse's internal environment, including temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, to provide optimal conditions for crop growth and improve resource efficiency. We began the project with a comprehensive understanding of the concept and objectives of agricultural greenhouses and conducted in-depth research on the impact of climate inside greenhouses and how to improve it for the best agricultural outcomes. Choosing the Arduino unit as a main tool allowed us to program the system with high flexibility to meet our specific needs, along with using various sensors to transmit physical data to the Arduino unit, enabling precise monitoring of environmental parameters. The smart greenhouse system integrates data collection from sensors and analysis using the Arduino control unit, which issues necessary commands to control irrigation, ventilation, and lighting systems. This integration between data collection and automatic control helps improve crop productivity and reduce water consumption, enhancing the sustainability of the agricultural process in semi-arid regions.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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