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dc.contributor.authorBelghait, Halima Saadia-
dc.contributor.authorBoumaaza, Soumia-
dc.contributor.authorBoumidouna, Khaoula-
dc.description.abstractCultivated plants are the subject of the attack of various bio-aggressors which compromise the production of food. In this regard, which is part of our work, following the many research already undertaken, in the wilaya of Ghardaïa. The population targeted by our questionnaire represents good-age farmers (20 to 60 years). These farmers have some reasonable experience in agriculture. In order to unravel the effects of some bio-aggressors. It is the occurrence of the dateworm (Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller), Boufaroua (Olygonychus afrasiaticus McGregor) and white cochineal (Parlatoria blanchardi Targ.). The Boufaroua remains the most dangerous pest affecting the quality of the dates, remains a threat, not only for the precious Deglet-Nour variety, but also for all varieties existing in the Mansoura region. The main pests of fruit trees are: 30% of them have a Ceratitis. Followed 23.33% of Mineuse, 20% of Fruit Fly. The vineyard mites are the most distributed in the orchards of the vineyards of the Mansoura region. Field pests of vegetable crops that are important are; Of the Mites 50%. Followed 33.33% Mineuse. Cereals are attacked by pests that are: Aphids 40%. Tracking 30% Birds. The larachide culture is typical of the area attack by pests which are: Earthworm 50%, Monitoring 30% of Rodents, 26.66% Mite. At the end of this work, it would be advisable to continue studies on the infestation of these pests.EN_en
dc.publisherFaculté Science de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre - Université de GhardaïaEN_en
dc.subjectRavageurs, Cultures, Mansoura, Ghardaïa, bio-agresseurs.EN_en
dc.subjectPests, Cultures, Mansoura, Ghardaïa, bio-aggressors.EN_en
dc.titleInventaire des ravageurs des cultures dans la région de Ghardaïa (cas de Mansoura)EN_en
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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