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Title: Contributionàl’étudedetransfertdechaleur d’un capteur solaire plan áairdoublepasse
Authors: REDDAH, Djaber
Keywords: Contributionàl’étudedetransfertdechaleur d’un capteur solaire plan áairdoublepasse
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This thesisfocuses on renewableenergies, and aims to quantifyheat exchangeusinganumericalstudyandsteady-statemathematicalmodelingofadouble-passsolar collector. Energy balance equations have been established for the variouscollector components (glass, absorber, heattransferfluid and bottom plate). Thesystems of equationsweresolvedusing the finite-differencemethod to calculatethe temperatures of each collector element. In addition, a detailedparametricstudyofthesolaraircollectorswascarriedout,andthenumericalsimulationwasverifiedusingaMatlabprogram.Theresultsshowedanincreaseinairtempérature.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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