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Title: Contribution à l’évaluation des caractéristiques thermiquesd’unbétondesableàbasededéchetde PET et de brique
Authors: BELLAKEHAL, Haroune
Keywords: PET,bricks,thermalinsulation, dunessand,mortar,cementstrength
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: université Ghardaia
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to examine the combined effect of bricks and PET plastic waste on mortar behavior. This investigated the behavior of a sand concrete produced using crushedbricks,varyingsubstitutionratesbasedoncementweight,andtheuseofplasticwaste to replace dune sand, with replacement rates ranging from 5% to 25%. The performance of thesemixtureswillbeevaluatedincomparisonto ordinary,unmodifiedsandconcrete,bothin their initial state and after treatment. The results indicate that the use of brick waste can maintain mechanical properties comparable to the controls, while the incorporation of PET negatively influences mechanical strength.Themixturesexhibitinterestingthermalcharacteristics,providingthermalinsulation and potential energy savings. In conclusion, the judicious use of brick and PET waste in mortars offers potential benefits in terms of sustainability and construction waste management, paving the way for more environmentally friendly construction practices
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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