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Title: La mise en évidence du pouvoir antibactérien d La mise en évi de Coss et Dur Ferula vesceritensis aqueux de ’extrait l . ued Metlili) (Cas d’O Ghardaïa la région de daïa la région de
Authors: HADJ MAHAMMED, Soumia
Keywords: aqueous extracts, antibacterial activity, Ferula vesceritensis, Metlili
Extrait aqueux, Activité antibactérien, Ferula vesceritensis, Metlili
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Faculté Science de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre - Université de Ghardaïa
Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the anti-bacterial strength of the aqueous extracts of leaves Ferula vesceritensis Coss et Dur. (Apiaceae) common species in the northern Sahara eastern Algeria harvested area Metlili (Ghardaia) face to face on some bacterial strains. Aqueous extracts have important antibacterial activities and can replace with success antibiotics which show their inefficiency against resistant microorganisms. In this study we have tested the antibacterial activities of leaves Ferula vesceritensis Coss et Dur. After result obtain we find that the revenue of aqueous extract is 0.39 % this value acceptable to norm. Activity antibacterial is very important contras Proteus mirabilis diameter by 17 mm and contras Bacillus subtilis by 12 mm.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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