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dc.contributor.authorمبروكة, مشري-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to identify the impact of organizational culture on the application of e-management to improve the quality of banking services among employees of the Regional Directorate agencies of the Algerian Foreign Bank in the state of Ouargla. To determine the level of applying e-administration and the level of differences among the sample individuals, we used the questionnaire as a tool for compiling statistical data from the studied community, distributing (88) questionnaires to workers distributed to the eight agencies and using the statistical program SPSS v.22 to process data. Through the above, the study’s findings include the following:  The level of application of e-management and the quality of banking services is high in the Regional Directorate agencies of the Algerian Foreign Bank in the state of Ouargla from the point of view of its employees.  The application of e-management and the quality of banking services have a strong direct relationship in the Regional Directorate agencies of the Algerian Foreign Bank in the state of Ouargla.  Organizational culture does not affect the improvement of the quality of banking services through the application of e-management in the agencies studied.  There are no statistically significant differences between the sample’s answers about organizational culture, e-management, and the quality of banking services attributable to the variables of the nature of work, level of study, years of experience, and computer use.  There are statistically significant differences between the sample’s answers about organizational culture, e-management, and the quality of banking services attributable to the variables of age and training courses on ICT.EN_en
dc.publisherجامعة غرداية/كلية العلوم الإقتصادية ، التجارية وعلوم التسييرEN_en
dc.subjectثقافة التنظيميةEN_en
dc.subjectإدارة الالكترونيةEN_en
dc.subjectخدمات البنكيةEN_en
dc.subjectجودة الخدماتEN_en
dc.titleأثر الثقافة التنظيمية على تطبيق الإدارة الالكترونية لتحسين جودة الخدمات البنكية دراسة حالة الوكالات التابعة للمديرية الجهوية للبنك الخارجي الجزائري بورقلةEN_en
Appears in Collections:Thèses de Doctorat Economie

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