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Title: قصيدة " شهر الخلود" لمحمد الأخـضر السائحي دراسة أسلوبية
Authors: فاطمة الزهراء قيرع
بهية بن عيسى
Keywords: الأسلوبية
محمد الأخضر السائحي
شهر الخلود
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: جامعة غرداية
Abstract: من خلال منهج الأسلوبية قمنا بدراسة قصيدة " شهر الخلود للكاتب الجزائري محمد الأخضر السائحي. اعتمدنا مستويات التحليل الأسبوبي، فخلصنا لى أن المنهج استطاع أن يكشف عن مكونان النص، أو أغلبها، وما يحويه من مشاعر الشاعر وأحاسيسه من خلال ما يحس به من البهجة، والفرحة الي تغمره بقدوم ميلاد المصطفى عليه الصلاة والسلام. Abstract: The Stylistic is a way from the modern critical approaches that can study the literary text and access it through a set of levels, sound, morphological, grammatical, syntactic andsemantic, considering threedirections: the sender, the receiver, and considering the discourse which is a set of linguistic phenomena chosen by the writer and what is related to it (overtones and symbols)Through this approach, we studied the poem" The Month of Eternity" by the Algerian writer Mohamed Al-Akhdar Al-Saihi. Then we revealed levels of stylistic analysis, so we concluded that this approach was able to reveal what is hidden in the text, or most of it, and thefeelings of the poet who is jealous of his Arab-Islamic nation. Which moved away from the Sunnah of his Prophet, (Peace Be UponHim), and through what he feels of joy, and the joy that overwhelms him with the advent of the birth of the Prophet, (Peace Be Upon Him).
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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