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Title: دور النسق القيمي للقيادة في توجيه الفعل التنظيمي في ظل جائحة كورونا -دراسة ميدانية بالؤسسة العمومية الإستشفائيى بمتليلي-
Authors: سهام, لعناق
Keywords: النسق القيمي
توجيه الفعل التنظيمي
جائحة كورونا
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: جامعة غرداية
Abstract: This study aims to know the extent to which the leadership’s value system contributes to directing organizational action in light of the Corona pandemic, and this is through the field study that we conducted in the interest of Covid 19 at the level of the public hospital institution in Metlili, and for that we chose a quota sample represented by workers in the interest of Covid 19 ( General physicians, specialized doctors, paramedical, administrative staff, professional workers), and this is for their leadership positions in the face of the pandemic and their abundant and accurate information about the virus and how to resist it. resistance to this pandemic, and we relied on the form as a main tool for data collection, and we also used the spss program as an assistant program in unloading data and extracting results, and the study reached several results, the most important of which are: -Leadership practices have an effective role in achieving organizational effectiveness in light of the Corona pandemic. - The presence of administrative leadership in the interest of Covid in terms of behavior control and the presence of an effective and thoughtful strategy contributed to the management and confrontation of the Corona pandemic effectively and efficiently. - The study also showed that there is a relationship between the value system of the actors and the formation of organizational loyalty, which affects positively through devoting team work and creating a respectful work environment, in addition to supporting the participating institution in solving each other’s problems, encouraging cooperation, solidarity among them, consolidating The culture of exclusivity and distinction over the rest of the other institutions, and this contributes to strengthening the manifestations of organizational loyalty.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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